The custom of Kundli matching has been established a very necessary one for all Hindu marriages. Be it a marriage stemming from love or a marriage that arises from the match made by family members.
This process receives so much of its importance because of its effective capability at predicting the future compatibility of the partners. Not only limited to that, but the process also receives this importance even because of how it detects the presence of ‘dosh’ in the merged Kundli. There are the possibilities of many different ‘dosh’ being present in a person’s Kundli, but the presence could be of two types.
Recessive Type: When the dosh present in a person’s Kundli is of recessive type, it keeps a high chance that this particular dosh would never have any effect on the individual. But looking at the possibility of the worst-case scenario, if the person marries someone who also possesses the recessive dosh or any other planetary placement that would result into this recessive dosh becoming stronger, they are bound to experience the harmful effect.
Dominant Type: If the dosh is already present at a dominant stage, the effects keep a high chance of occurring. But if luck favours, looking at the best possible scenario, marrying the right person could result in nullifying or at the very least reducing the effects of its presence.
What is dosh? Why should one give them a lot of importance?
Dosh in Kundli refers to the presence of serious defects found in the compatibility of the couple. They are the presence of fatal defects that are found after merging of the two individual’s Kundli. There are many possible doshas and the presence of any of them can bring drastic and harmful changes in the person’s personal, professional or marital life.
The presences of the doshas are usually linked to the incorrect and/or negative positioning of the planets affecting a person. Whenever a ‘dosh’ linked to any planet is present, the person, instead of receiving the benefits from that particular planet, becomes susceptible to receiving adverse harmful effects. Thus the planet becomes a negative influence in the individual’s life.
If any of these doshas are left unnoticed and thus unattended for any set of longer durations, the damage it might cause can last a lifetime. Thus making it one of the root cause behind the fall of many marriages, relationships, career, etc., making it the most important aspect checked in the process of Kundli matching by the astrologers.

What are the different doshas present?
There are many planetary bodies considered in the forming of a Janam Kundli and thus in the process of Kundli matching, which only makes it valid that there are multiple possible doshas. Following are few doshas that keep a high degree of damaging capacity when it comes to a person’s personal, professional or marital life.
- Kaal Sarp Dosh.
This fatal defect results in a slow life that is full of struggle in the areas of relationships, finances, health as well as career.
- Pitru Dosh.
This defect often causes a person to go into debt, awful struggles in achieving a career benchmark, having multiple enemies and being very misunderstood.
- Nadi Dosh.
The couple might lack physical attraction, experience infertility or have kids that are mentally or physically disabled or weak.
- Mangal Dosh.
The couple would lack harmony, experience late childbirth, infidelity and may even experience the death of one of the partner.
- Grahan Dosh.
This one indicates the presence of financial troubles, health troubles to the extent of lifelong illnesses and even death of either of the partner or even that of the child.
- Shani Dosh.
The couple might experience failure in career, experience debt, mental illness or even physical deterioration.
- Shrapit Dosh.
There would be hindrances in all areas of life, the person would experience many hurdles and lateness for all desired things, like career, marriage or childbirth.