Let us start with the basics first because that will help us understand this better. Kundli matching or better known as kundli milan is the matching or the milan of the two janam kundli of the individuals that are to be married. Kundli milan overlooks various aspects of the individual’s married life, like for example, the most common ones which may even worry the partners out like their relationship with their partner’s in-laws if they would be able to have healthy children or no, how their work will affect their lives and so on.
Which names should be considered for the kundli milan by the astrologer?
Janam kundli are birth charts that are drawn up as soon as the child is born or at the earliest possible time. The janam kundli of an individual tells us a lot about the individual from the most suited career for the individual depending on his/her weaknesses and strengths, to the most suited and compatible life partner for the individual. Every individual’s janam kundli is different and no two people share the same janam kundli. Every child has their own name that is in their janam kundli, and the other name that they are called by in their daily life. Every individual has two names, the one that is specially written for them in their janam kundli as soon as they were born and the other one which they normally use in their daily life. The name that is written in the individual’s janam kundli is called the janam rashi name. The astrologer can use any one of them for the process and ritual of kundli matching but the expert astrologers usually take and prefer the one written in the janam kundli of the individual.

Why are both the names important?
Both the names of the individual are important. When it comes to matching the kundlis in order to know about the individual’s future progeny, and the health of their children, to check the two individuals compatibility in marriage and the sexual compatibility between the two individuals, then the name in the janam kundli(better known as janam rashi) of the individual is used. Where as to analyse the love capability between the two individuals, and to calculate their behaviour towards each other daily, the original name should be used by the astrologer.
Kundli matching by name is usually considered for the individuals who are not sure of their date of birth or the exact time of birth which is very important in when it comes in drawing up their birth charts and inconsequently, in kundli matching. Many astrologers use the Asthakoota chakra which analyses the name constellation and the Moon. The kundli matching also tells us about the doshas in the matching between the two individuals that are about to be married. A dosha occurs when the score for that particular koota is zero. There are eight kootas in kundli matching and each koota has a certain number of gunas, and each of these gunas has a particular and specific value. The sum total number of gunas are thirty-six in number and when the match receives eighteen or above as the score out of thirty-six, the match is approved and when it receives less than eighteen gunas, the match is not approved. So, while calculating and analysing, when one of these kootas get a zero during the match, a doshas occurs. The main doshas are the nadi, bhakoot and manglik doshas which have major negative effects on the individual’s problems.
Why kundli matching by name?
At times, people do not know their own date of birth or the exact time of birth or the place of birth and these three are the three main deciding factors in kundli matching and without them, the kundli cannot be matched between the prospective bride and groom. The reason why they do not know could be a variety of reasons which they cannot help. This is where the kundli matching by name steps in and saves the day.
For more details on Kundli matching, and to get your partner’s and your kundlis matched, contact trustedteller.com.