Kundli matching is like an ancient medicine for Indian families in order to bid adieu their grown-up children before they tie the knot. Kundli matching is extensively followed by Hindu families for their children to marry with utmost protection and have a sound and a healthy life. Kundli matching remains one of the smartest tools for both, a prospective bride and a prospective groom before completing all the marriage rituals and ceremonies. Kundli matching also goes by the name Kundli Milan and has been active in the Indian society ever since the Vedic times in the Vedic astrology. Vedic term also indicated to the Indian horoscope as well as astrology. There is a big difference and results gained during ancient times as well as the new times related to kundli matching.
During ancient times, marriages took place with a firm belief in kundli matching. The marriages were matched between the couples during those old times in presence of an experienced and a well-educated Vedic astrologer. It was not so hard in the golden times, everything was easily available and had a great and a positive atmosphere built before kundlis of prospective grooms and the brides were matched. It was a simple process which was done in a simple manner. The families also co-operated between the members of the opposing family (bride and the groom’s family). The society was clean from all the filth in the mind-set of people as opposed to times now. There was less or no amount of interference made from either family members of their friends and relatives. The ancient times for kundli matching were easier. There was no presence of an online system, so the entire process of Kundli matching was depended upon a single trusted person (a Vedic astrologer skilled in kundli matching)! All the things were done through paperwork as there was no phone and no internet as well. The words were passed on through the members of the opposing family through the channel of mouth-to-mouth words like done in a Panchayat.

As the surge of millennial era and trends occurred, everything seemed to have changed. Love marriages are at a peak, along with infidelity and various other challenges in the society. The marriages can seem to be tough in the current times. There are gossip-mongers and windmills churning loud and bold gossip about the prospective bride and a groom as well as their families done by the close friends, neighbours, relatives or past rivalries. During the new and current times for kundli matching, the process can seem to be tedious and long. Most families believe that the process of Kundli matching is extremely pedantic and can take a toll on their overall health. Because we live in such a fast-paced life, we are far from taking things with patience. There are so many challenges today which are attached to kundli matching. While some families opt for a short route in the form of online Kundli matching, the results are far from being accurate. Lot of fake astrologers posing as real astrologers just for money has become common. In the wide world of the internet, you will meet people doing various scams related to money laundering. Even the privileged ones are doing the works of mistrust. The process of kundli matching might really work for the love birds seeking to tie the knot and the disappointments that come straight from the families. Where there is love, there is a definite shot of honour killings, so it is best to follow the ancient use of kundli matching without any fear of injustice?
As per all the findings ventured out of the findings as well as the outcomes seen in both new and the ancient use of Vedic astrology in Kundli matching, the ancient/old remedies and process must be followed for the process of kundli matching. It prevents any new issues before it occurs and destroys the various underlying basis of a relationship as opposed to the new method of kundli matching where the cases of misleading people for money seems to be extremely high in this country.