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What factors Kundali Matching checks in marriages?

We all know the fact that the kundali matching checks the compatibility in marriages. It can predict whether marriage is favorable or not. It is an important decision in marriages and hence, kundali matching is so necessary for marriages.

The marriages are so auspicious for people as they mark the union of two souls for life. But what are the different factors that determine the compatibility between the couples? Which factors of one’s life matters in the compatibility in a marriage?

Factors that are checked by kundali matching in marriages


It is perhaps the most important factor that needs to be checked in marriages. The love that the couple feel at the beginning of the relationship is not felt throughout marriages. There are times when they might fall out of love. It is not easy to handle a marriage where there is no love and affection.

Hence, it is necessary to check the love compatibility between the couple, whether they will be happily married to each other or after some time they might fall out of love. Now, there can be many different reasons where the couple might fall out of love. It is impossible to specify anything.

Mental compatibility

Mental compatibility is another important factor that determine whether the marriage will be successful or not. It is necessary to have an understanding between each other, stability in interests. Without mental compatibility, even if love is there the marriage becomes very difficult.

If you can’t communicate properly with your partner it can be because of the reason that your mental compatibility is not that great. You two are not able to understand each other’s emotions and choices. Hence, it is also an important factor to be checked.

Financial stability

Financial stability is another significant factor that need to be checked for a good marriage. The financial instability can create lots of differences and disputes in the relationship. Thus, it is necessary to check the financial stability in a marriage.

The only way to maintain good financial stability is through communication with your partner about your needs and wants. Discuss your plans with finances. Always remember, the more the communication less is the problems.

So, good communication of finances will happen only when there is financial stability existing between the couples. Instability will be making the relationship weak and fragile.


Sexual compatibility and child is necessary to be checked before marriages. A couple’s sexual life should be compatible with each other. The sexual energy between the couple should match. There are cases where infertility, issues in childbirth are predicted by the kundali matching before.

Hence, child – related factors are also checked in kundali matching as it is equally important and necessary to understand and know the sexual energy and child expectations from marriage.

Changes after marriage

Marriage is not a simple thing to handle. In a marriage, you have to share your life with one person. So, there will be a lot of changes that need to be made after marriage. Now, if a couple thinks they are compatible before marriage, then that doesn’t mean that the compatibility will be seen after marriage too.

There are thousands of cases where the marriage failed even if they had a beautiful relationship before marriages. Sometimes, couples are not able to change certain things in marriage which creates issues between them.

When you are not married you aren’t sharing your life with that person. You aren’t living with that person. But the moment you are getting married, your life gets an add up. Your partner becomes a part of your life. It is a big responsibility to take and this is the reason many good relationships fails after marriage. Hence, changes after marriages are also checked by kundali matching so that the compatibility can be predicted.

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