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Are you fond of living a colorful life? Well, then you should definitely pay a visit to our
culturally beautiful country India. Living in a country like India is a blessing in disguise as
traditions and religions have a huge hold on our culture. As we know, Heritage refers to
what we adapt from our forefathers or our ancestors and following the long-prevailing
traditions for long is a vital source of our nation. For a very long our parents and our
grandparents have taught us about the significance of following the rules and regulations
as laid by our Vedic forefathers. Even though the world is striving towards a state of
advancements, these cultures and rituals stay right there were. 

One of the major concerns and tiffs in our nation are regarding the importance and
significance of Kundali matching. Loving a person and deciding it for yourself that he/she is
the right one or asking your parents to find one for yourself. Both the options might seem
easy to go about, but they are equally difficult to proceed with. While one is about to get
into an arranged marriage when the two natives are not known to each other in that case
the significance of kundali matching is vital to look into. Matching the kundalis of the two
natives through a thorough process of guna Milan method with birth charts into
consideration is of utmost importance so as to determine the compatibilities of the two
parties involved. 


Astrologers lay their understanding of kundalis down and help the families of the two
parties consider all the factors from the emotional and physical compatibility of the two
parties to the occurrence of any doshas and their respective remedies. Coming towards
the love marriages, what do you think, is it easier to be in love beforehand? Well, if that’s
what you think you’re not completely right! As, in terms of love marriages as well, certain
parents and families have a conservative mindset which in our results in their pull towards
the kundali matching again. Even if our society has given way to love marriages that do
not mean that our forefathers will be okay with the fact that, we are entering into wedlock
without getting all t facts and scenarios checked. 


The ashthakoota method is equally important in love and arranged marriages depending
upon the conservative nature and beliefs of the families. As mentioned above, living in a
country like India is a blessing in disguise because while one is living in the presence of
people with numerous different thoughts and cultures so it gets difficult to come to a
collective conclusion. Kundali matching is definitely central to our culture as even after
entering into the advanced scenarios several families are always going to turn to their
roots and beliefs when it comes to binding two people in love together. 

No matter how much we strive towards the state of advancements or how much we try to
be ‘cool’ in terms of accepting the new and practical thinking of the new generation, but the
ancestral thought process is never ever going to leave our sides. Surrounded by people
from numerous castes, cultures, and religions is gets complicated to determine the
mindset of a single person at a time. The fact that, loving a person with all your heart sure
does play an important and significant role before getting married to someone, but at the
same time, it is not enough in our cultures. It’s not just the two natives getting married
instead, it’s a bond between the whole two families, and in order to maintain and manage
the amalgamation of two families, it’s important to take care of every ritual from both the
sides. So, in all understanding, we come to the conclusion that kundali matching is
definitely central to our Indian heritage. Not because of the ritual to get two people into
wedlock, but because of the existence and the long-prevailing presence of our Vedic
traditions as laid out by our forefathers

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