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Analyzing the Auspiciousness of the Gaja Kesari Yoga

In ancient times when a child of the Hindu community was born, the details regarding their date,
time, and place of birth were generously noted down. These details were then sent to an
experienced and professional astrologer who would form the child’s Janam Kundali. The Janam
Kundali is made by studying the position of various stars, constellations, and planets. This Janam
Kundali holds predictions about the child’s future and life and often many steps are taken to
avoid obstacles that are present in Janam Kundli. During a marriage, the Janam Kundlis of both
the husband and wife are studied together to see whether the celestial bodies in their respective
chart are in harmony with each other. The positions of each planetary body have the power to
determine obstacles and good opportunities in an individual’s life. These are seen and understood
by the formation of various Doshas and Yogas. This article aims to talk about a prominent Yoga
in Astrology- the Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Gaja Kesari Yoga:

The power of the Gaja Kesari Yoga is considered to be the largest in terms of other Yogas and is
an auspicious yoga. The Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed when the planet of Jupiter is placed in the
Ascendant Lord, 7th, 10th, or 4th house from the moon. The words Gaja and Kesari mean
elephant and lion, respectively. These two animals are one of the most magnificent animals in
the animal kingdom. They are the signifiers of domination and captivation.
A person who has the Gaja Kesari Yoga in their charts is said to be blessed with all the comforts
of life. They lead an elegant life occupying a high status in society with financial prosperity. Due
to the effect of the elephant and lion, they are known to master the art of debating, opinion
argument, and artistry. This yoga also benefits the native by blessing them with a long life.

How Yoga can turn weak:

Though the Gaja Kesari Yoga is auspicious, it is not enough to completely impact the native’s
life. It must need a push from the strength of other combined positions. If this Yoga is formed
when Jupiter is paired with the zodiac of Capricorn, the effect of this yoga nullifies. Again, if
Jupiter pairs up with the enemy signs of Taurus, Libra, Virgo, and Gemini, the effect of the yoga
weakens. Also, if one symbol of the planet of Venus is in the ascendant lord’s house (Kendra)
while another symbol resides in an enemy’s place, the Gaja Kesari Yoga may lose its power. 

Effects of the Gaja Kesari Yoga in Marriage:

In Indian astrology, the concept of planetary occupation is prevalent in understanding various
aspects of the individual’s life. Similarly, for marriage, Vedic Astrology considers the 7th house
as the house of marital connections. If a person’s birth chart depicts the Gaja Kesari Yoga to
occupy the 7th house, the yogas impact can be seen in his marital life. 
Below are stated few possible impacts of this Yoga on the married life of the native:

-Yoga opens up the possibility of marriage at an early age for the native. Marrying
early may also signify that the person acquires a good degree of financial independence at a young age which allows them to move forward with settling in. It may also symbolize the finding of one’s true love.

– It is also believed that the person who has the presence of the Gaja Kesari Yoga in the 7th
House of his chart is blessed with a good life partner hailing from a family with a decent
-As seen earlier, the native of this Yoga is said to occupy high levels of intellect and often
is married to a partner who shares the same levels of intelligence and smartness. This
makes the match healthy and ensures an effective flow of communication. 

– The presence of Jupiter blesses the couple with a healthy and happy married life, a
a healthy amount of progeny, a good share of wealth, high social status, a fair share of
fame, and most importantly a bond between the couple which they cherish forever.

Thus, the article shows how important the Gaja Kesari Yoga’s presence is in an individual’s life
for him/her to lead a pleasant life with marital and monetary riches, happiness, fame, and

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