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In the holy birthplace of the Upanishads and Vedas, Astrology holds a great existence when it is
about the fixation of marriage for a profound relationship. In India, it is quite normal in every
household that when a child reaches the age when he/ she is capable of marrying, the kundalis of
the capable partners are presented to choose the best amongst the rest. Nowadays, individuals
prefer choosing their partners which have advanced along with the age but the process of kundali
matching remains the same.
The very primary thing that is asked to an astrologer during the process of analyzing the birth chart is
the time of marriage of the individual. The astrologer makes sure to go through the various levels
and segments along with the inner lying details that need to be extracted from the kundali.
The 7th house of the birth chart is a clear indication when it is about marriage. The other few houses
like 5th, 2nd and 8th are the houses that help the astrologer with the predictions. The planets that
influence an individual for proper timing for their marriage are Venus and the mighty Jupiter. In the
birth chart of the lady, the positioning of Jupiter is taken under consideration whereas, in the man’s
chart, the Venus positioning is taken under consideration. The planet Mars also has a huge role to
play when it comes to the building of a strong potential relationship after marriage or how the
married life is going to turn out to be.
Through the help of the Astrology and a capable astrologer, we can easily understand the following
situation or the happenings that are going to take place in life, concerning marriage:


For unraveling the timing of the marriage, we need to go through the 7th house in the birth chart of
the person. The different Yogas need to be understood and checked well. If marriage yoga is in
existence, the person can get married during the timing of the doshas of the planet in the 7th house
of the individual. The Lord of the 5th house along with the Dasha is of high importance. There are
chances of marriage during the timing of Venus Maha Dasha for the men as Venus is related to men
for marriage and the timing of Jupiter Maha Dasha is a clear indication of marriage for the women.


The 5th and the 7th house is related to love and marriage according to the birth chart of every
individual. If the 5th households a strong command without any negative indication, it is a clear
chance for love marriage. If the 5th house has the habitats who are strong and emotional planets
then there will be chances for a strong relationship built out of love. The match of the planets like
Venus and Mars also holds the possibility of letting us known about the predictions for marriage.


The planets belonging to the 7th household the characteristics that are going to be found in the
spouse of an individual. If there is an existence of Rahu in the 7th house especially in a woman’s
chart then his husband would be from a different community or caste. The placement of Jupiter also
yields a good married life for male and the female. If Jupiter stays in the 7th house of the lady then
her future husband would be a well-educated and wise human being.


When the negative or the malefic effects start to take place in the 7th house of the birth chart, it
presents a clear indication for the delay in the marriage fronts. If Jupiter turns out to be retrograde,
it equally causes the delay. If Saturn and Ketu reside in the 7th house, that causes the delay. If there
are chances of mutuality between Saturn and Venus, it causes an extreme delay when it indicates
the delay in marriage.


In the 7th house, when Rahu comes and resides, it causes the relationship into multiple affairs. If the
lord of the 9th house places itself in the 7th house, there are high chances for re-marriage.