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While one resides in a country like India then you need to be prepared to follow all the
traditions and customs laid out by our ancestors. Since we have been in a state of modern
advancement and the generational shift sure has taken a toll on the ancient beliefs and
cultures, but even after the advent of modernity the ancient customs and rituals have
managed to maintain their space in our Indian heritage. Speaking of these traditions and
cultures, do you know where do we use and implement the most? Well, of course when
our parents decide to get us married through a series of these traditions.


Speaking of marriage, it is considered to be one of the most delicate and sacred bonds in
our culture. And be it arranged marriage or even a love marriage, both cases require a
thorough study of the kundalis of the bride and the groom. Kundali matching and its
processes tend to give us the answers to all our questions regarding marriage. 

But while we speak of the concept of kundali matching, one should know about the major
aspects ruled by this process. It involves the guna Milan method for compatibility check,
the occurrence of doshas if any, remedies and poojas for any dosh, planetary positions,
and most importantly the significance of different houses in astrology. So, let us examine a
few major aspects of life through the suitable houses. 


While we speak of the major aspects of one’s life, having a successful career, education
and a balanced professional sector is extremely important for each and every person. So,
the houses that rule the prevalence of a successful career and profession in your life are
the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses. All these four houses usually represent the career and
education prospects of one’s life. 

The 4th house gives us a little insight about education, the 5th house tends to represent
the general public involvement dealings, the 9th house is all about higher education and
the 10th house reprints the job prospects in the service or the government sector. Now, all
these houses along with the auspicious or inauspicious planetary positions help us in
deeming our career prospects. 


Usually, each and every house tends to represent some of the other body parts, but while
we talk about health aspects in general the two of the most appropriate houses in terms of

analyzing the full fledged health report are the 6th and the 8th house. The 6th house as we
know is traditionally known as the house of health and this is because it represents the
general state of well being. 

It also gives us a detained about what kind of impact does our professional life has on our
mental and physical well-being. As we speak of the 8th house, this house is usually known
for the age, life force, and life span of a person. It gives us a piece of detailed
information about our possible illness and most importantly it helps us determine our life


We all know that love is quite important for us to survive, it gives us all the kinds of
strength and support that we need in our respective lives. The concepts of kundali
matching were majorly derived in order to give us some insight into our futuristic married
and our love life. Speaking of love and marriage, out of all the 12 houses in astrology the
5th house and the 7th house, both represent the art of marriage and the essence of love

The 5th house is usually considered to be the house of love, love and romance begin in
this house and it is basically the house of fun and intimate pleasures. Speaking marriage,
the 7th house is that of marriage and the presence of auspicious planets signifies an early
marriage whereas the presence of inauspicious marriage signifies a delay in marriage.
When there are a wide number of benefic planets in the 7th house then the candidate is
likely to get married at a very young age, like that of 16 to 23 years old. 

The above-mentioned assets were a few sectors represented by a few houses, so check
for your kundali readings before entering into wedlock.