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How the process of kundali matching online is an example of how traditions and rituals go hand in hand with technology today.

How and why the insights that you get from kundali matching online are of extremely high value to you.

Irrespective of how you decide to get your kundalis matched before a wedding, be it kundali
matching online or by the traditional method of getting them matched by a reputed priest, one
thing that you are guaranteed, is that the kind of insights that you would be getting after the
process is done would be worth a lot of value to you.

Basically, the process of kundali matching online involves the comparison of the kundalis of
two individuals. Now, what exactly is a kundali. A kundali refers to a record of the position
of all the different planets and stars of our solar system during the exact time of a person’s
time of birth. The position and alignment of the sun with respect to that of the earth are also
taken into consideration while writing someone’s kundali. It is this kundali that is used during
the process of kundali matching online or by the traditional kundali matching method. The
kundalis (or the record of planetary positions during one’s birth) of the two individuals is
what is required for comparison during the matching up of kundalis either by kundali
matching online or traditional method.

How kundali matching online is done and how points are given for the same.

While the kundalis of the two individuals are being compared in the kundali matching online
process, the person or system that is comparing the kundalis awards the individuals with
points if there is a successful match in terms of compatible traits or characteristics. There are
a total of 36 (thirty-six) aspects that are to be checked. These aspects in general are called
ashta-kootas. Out of this 36 ash-kootas that are to be matched, if the kundali matching
online process gets you a score of more than half of the total points, that is if you get a score
of 18 or more when it comes to ashta-koota matching, you officially get the approval of the
one who is evaluating the kundalis. But if the score is less than 18, then there are two
possibilities or ways that one might follow. We’ll start with the harsher one of the two, which
is to avoid proceeding with the marriage and canceling it. Coming down to the second one,
there are a number of havans or poojas that could be done in order to get a few of the total
points fixed so that the overall ashta-koota score increases, and there is a higher amount of
likeliness that this would take the score to 18 if not above 18.

In case the overall astha koota score still does not reach out to the value of 18, you can ask
the evaluator about the things that are causing the problems in the matching up of kundalis
during kundali matching online. If you later decide to proceed with the marriage even after
the said evaluator gives you a score which is lesser than 18, it’d be very much recommended
to you that you keep in mind as to what all traits or characteristics between the two
individuals were not a match. Having these issues in your mind could help you refrain from getting into a conflict with your significant other regarding the said things. Also would also
be a red zone that you and your partner would have to avoid in order to keep any sorts of
problems at bay for you.

In case the score you get during ashta-koota analysis of kundali matching online is more than
18, the evaluator would straight away raise out green flags for you. By green flags, clearance
and approval are being referred to over here. But as it is suggested for kundalis that wasn’t a
successful match to keep in mind the traits and characteristics that caused the points to be
deducted, we would also recommend you to do the same. Keeping in mind what the
drawbacks or irregularities are in the matching up of your kundalis is going to be a very
beneficial thing that you would be doing keeping your future in your mind.

Having in mind the irregularities that you find during the process of kundali matching online,
can help you get through those issues in case they ever come to you during your married life.
The entire process even helps you out in the planning process of a marriage that is very
crucial nowadays.