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Get the In-depth Insights of the Ashtakoot Method of Online Kundali Matching

Get the in-depth insights of the ashtakoot method of Online kundali matching
The Ashtakoot system is the common method used for Online kundali matching. Astha
intends eight and koot is properties so this establishes the matching between the bride and the
groom based on 8 different positions of stars. 

This system is mostly used in north India and is more simple compared to its peers the
western form used outside India and the Dashtakoot system. The Ashthakoot system
considers the planets and all the stars to be static. The dashtakoot does not do so.
Read along if you wish to know all about the ashtakoot matching.

Quality 1 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Varna

This house is divided into 4 sections and the scoring is done based on that in the ashtakoot
method. The self-level of the prospective bride and groom are reviewed in this house. The
benefit of a bargain is very essential for thriving compatibility.

Quality 2 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system – Vaishya

This house talks about who will be more dominating out of the proposed bride or groom. The
most eminent marks of this house are given out of two. Five vaishyas are viewed. 

Quality 3 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Tara

The most maximum of three Gunas can be matched in this section. This quality of online
kundali matching trades with the locations of cosmic forms at the time of matching the
position of stars using the ashtakoot method. 

Quality 4 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system – Yoni

The graham Dasha of nakshatra in the birth chart is discussed in the kundali of bride and
groom to make a match while matching with the asthakoot system. This house suits 4 gunas
at most utmost and is very essential while studying online kundali matching.

Quality 5 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Grihamaitri

This house reveals the possibility of having kids and the actual conduct of the proposed bride
and groom if they get united. This has five marks for Guna Milan in online kundali matching.

Quality 6 for online kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Guna

This bargains with the harmony between the couple. This house is used to predict the
agreement in behaviour. It has at greatest six marks for scoring between the bride and groom.
People match at most six gunas at this section.

Quality 7 for online Kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Bhakut

This line checks the overall harmony of the bride and groom. It tells about the comfort the
prospective bride and groom will have if they get united in terms of money and finances. 

This house is responsible for matching the star signs. The best score it has is seven. Since the
the score is raised it is a particularly significant house for online kundali matching.

Quality 8 for online Kundali matching in ashtakoot system- Nadi

This house needs to be reviewed to assure that the health of both bride and groom is guarded
after marriage. The Nadi talks about the congeniality in well-being while matching the