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Low kundali marriage matching solutions

At times the heart match but the stars do not. In times like these, it is great if you do not ignore your kundali score and try to find the reason for it. If you know the reason for the low kundali score while kundali marriage matching you can easily carry out the remedies required to get rid of a low score during kundali marriage-matching.

Find out the remedies for a low score during kundali marriage matching following the reasons.

Remedies for mangal dosha

The effect of planet mars is very important to predict the lifestyle you will have once you get married. To make sure it is not malefic, check for the presence of mars in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house of the natal charts of the prospective bride and groom. If the planet mars reside in the houses then you are under the malefic effect of the planet and need to carry out remedies.

Simple remedies include getting married to the “Beri” plant from males and the “peepal” tree for females or chanting “Tantrukt Mangal Mantra” 1.25 lakh times. The process of Kumbh Vivah can also be performed. These remedies can nullify the adverse effects of Mangalik dosha.

Remedies for Varna Koot Dosha

According to the kundali marriage matching the incompatibility in Varna Koot can be related to the differences in the social classes. The first remedy that you can try out in such a case is to chant “Maha Mritumjay Mantra” as much as possible. You can chant it 108 times every day if you want. The difference in varna Koot in kundali marriage matching is minor to consider and can be neglected if the planets in the house of marriage are strong. Chanting the mantra can help in all kinds of marital problems so this must be done to nullify any malefic effect.

Remedies for Vashya Koot Dosha

The incompatibility in Vashya Koot is directly related to the differences in mutual attraction according to kundali marriage matching. IF you have the effect of Vashya Koot Dosha in your kundali marriage matching then you must pray to the effigy Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati placed in the home temple.

Remedies of tara Koot dosh

The future of the probable couple can be in jeopardy if they have tara Koot dosh in their kundali marriage matching. The tara Koot dosh is checked by the twenty-seven nakshatras. This dosha is not very malefic to the couple and they should meditate to their lords when they get married.

Remedies of the Bhakoot Dosh

While checking the kundali marriage matching Bhakoot dosha is considered. The determination of this dosha is done with the help of the placement of the moon in the planet chart while kundali marriage-matching. This dosha talks about the overall health of the couple once they get married and must not be ignored. There are not direct remedies that can be carried out to remove the ill effect of this dosha. You will have to talk to your astrologer and check for the specific remedy if you wish to marry.