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Planning our Pujas: Vedic Kundali Matching Edition

Vedic Kundali matching sure is a major discovery in the field of marriage matching, it tends to
assists you in all the matters associated with the marriage of two natives. Be it arranged marriage or
love marriage the concept of Vedic kundali matching is a long-prevailing one, but even after all
the concepts of ensuring security, love, and compatibility, there are a few factors that tend to lack at

There are natives who suffer from the dosha of delayed marriage and this is what actually stop
several natives from having a successful happy married life with the love of their lives. But there is
always a solution in the case of Vedic kundali matching, and in this case, the solution for a
delayed marriage is- Puja.

Signifying the need for Pujas

Speaking of cultures and traditions in a country like India, there are thousands of rituals and
customs that we all tend to undergo in order to make sure of a happy life. Pujas play an important
role especially in terms of Vedic kundali matching. 

While we talk about the tragedy of a delayed marriage then certain remedies and perfectly
performed pujas will sort this issue out right away for you. Pujas can help you enter into a bond of
marriage by ruling out all the possibilities of a dosha. Carving out a trouble-free path is what the
different sorts of pujas aim at.

Puja for Early Marriage

As stated above, marriage pujas in Vedic kundali matching will help in ruling out any doshas that
might stand in the way of you and your marital happiness. The suggested pujas in Vedic kundali
matching are pujas of lord shiva and Maa Parvati, Ashtottara puja, Maa Parvati, and lord shiva
stotra path, Namavali puja, Katyayani puja, Mangalaya puja, Ganesh puja, and Gandharva puja.
Performing any one of these pujas will definitely throw away the stones of marriage doshas like that
of mangal doshas from your kundalis.

Benefits released from such Pujas

All of these pujas listed above, more or less offer similar benefits, and that is as follows: 

These pujas in terms of vedic kundali matching will help you get rid of any afflictions caused by
malefic planets and it releases the malefic effects of any factor on your marriage in the natal chart. 
Doshas like that of Manglik dosha other hindrances are also removed with the help of pujas. 
Apart from Manglik dosha, the Gandharva-related doshas are also removed from your natal charts. 
Most Importantly it also makes sure of full proof chances of a happy and successful married life. 

P.S.- Make sure that you gather all the required elements and ingredients for the specific puja you
decide to perform.