Marriage is an eternal association between the couple and thus, it must be taken on serious terms. The Koota matching chart in the methods of Kundli matching holds great reliability in the world of matching of the two people. It provides with the auspicious score that is obtained by the man and the woman for a righteous marriage to occur. For matching the kootas, the birth star or the Nakshatra or the birth star of both the individuals are equally needed. If the Nakshatra of your own chart is unknown to you, it is recommended for you to check the Nakshatra calculator which provides with the Nakshatra that you were born under.
Before starting to invade deep into the topic, let me make it definite to you that matching of the birth charts or the janamkundlis are highly suggested to be analysed by an experienced expert or genuine astrologer. This matching is done on the basis of the combination of the planets that they are dwelling in, along with the ascendant. All of these planets, constellation, Sun or the moon determines the proper matching of the kootas, manglikdoshas as well as the Navamsa chart.
The Guna matching or the koota matching score that is favourable for a favoured marriage is 18. The more the score, the better the wellbeing between the partners. But Guna matching is not the only segment that decides the marriage compatibility. There are different ground that gets passed to determine an auspicious bond that complements a desired marriage.
There should be an understanding based on the emotional aspects as well as on the attraction towards one another physically. In the marriage, conducted by the Hindus, “Samskaras” is the ritual that marks the affinity between the two people with the motive to start a new life of household and responsibility. As far as the ancient traditions are involved, the wedlock between the couple determines the representation of the confluence of Shiva and his Adi Shakti, i.e. Parvati. It is the blend of the two souls that combines into one.
The thoughts and wisdom of the people based on ancient philosophies do not stay limited as they were deciphered in the practical grounds of thoughts and analysis with proper calculation and understanding. This is the reason why the parents used to get their child married at a suitable age for a better compatibility, keeping in consideration about the family hereditary, social status, caste, etc.
There are different methods for the matching of the life of the couple. They are:
Ashthakoota matching.
Navamsa matching.
Kujadosha matching.
Aroodhalagna matching.
Lagna chart matching.
They are depicted on the basis of several principles to evaluate and guide the matching of the charts for an everlasting marriage.
According to the process of Kundli matching, the more points obtained, the more favourable the bonding gets, on the terms of a holy marriage. This is followed through the Ashthakoota method. The score below 18 is considered inauspicious, the score from 18 to 22 is considered to be a favourable bond, the score between 23 to 25 is known to be a good and healthy one, the score between 26 to 28 is noted as the best one and above 28 to 36, it is mentioned and rated as the heavenly one.
The 7th house in the birth chart depicts the success of a married life of the people getting attached to one another.If the planet lords and the position of the 7th house is at the desired destination then the low score becomes unnecessary or is often overlooked. In the same pattern, if there are afflictions on the ground of the 7th house as well as the 7th lord, then the high score obtained by the couple cannot help with the destruction of the marriage. The marriage becomes unfavourable.
Kundli matching needs to be taken very seriously as they hold the key to change the destiny of the couple. Even if the couple have obstacles, there are various remedies that might save the relationship but without proper precautions, the marriage might experience turmoil and hardships that one do not even want to think of.