Kundali matching by name
Kundali Matching by name or Horoscope Matching is a good procedure
performed before marriage. From the history of the Vedas and Puranas, it is
clear that marriage has always been a divine institution. In today’s world, it is
very different and it is one of the best memories of marriage.
We may or may not express our feelings but as time goes on, somewhere deep
in the heart, we yearn for a better relationship with our loved ones and we want
to have a happy life with each other forever.
Let us reveal the real secret to a successful marriage. Compatibility, happiness
in each other, respect, and much care. But are you sure that you will have it all
after the wedding if it isn’t arrange marriage? Kundli matching by name analogy
is helpful.
The Kundali symbolism is the analogy of the stars, celestial beings, and the
planets and constellations that bind the couple together. The more points earned
through the game, the more fun you get. It stops and removes all potential
obstacles and side effects.
Kundali matching by name also reveal a lot of damage and dosha that could
disrupt your marriage. Herbal remedies are provided for victory as well.
Finding the perfect partner
There is always a deep desire in the heart of everyone to have a happy
marriage. Everyone knows that in a good and happy marriage it is important
that the virtue for happiness of two people is met. Without it, marriage will
suffer greatly. Therefore, astrology carries with it a measure of success in
determining whether a couple will be able to live a happy marriage. Kundali
matching by name is one such practice. It can be very effective. There are many
cases where the results of a marriage name match predict the real results.
These rituals have been followed for a long time and many people have
benefited from its predictions.
A common way to do kundali matching by name is with the help of the boy and
girl name. In Kundali matching by name, first names or names mentioned in the
birth chart of the two parties involved are considered. A total of 36 guns have
been identified with these names alone. In addition, if in some ways the guns
are not the same as the original names; the names on the birthday chart may be
used for kundli matching by name. There are two types of Kundlis, basic and
free. The first is modeled using traditional methods while the latter is modeled
after resolving any doshs. However, relaxation is important and should be considered as all problems are resolved in it and it will help a lot to check the
compatibility between the bride and groom.