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Negative Effects of Rahu and Ketu in Kundali Milan by Name!

Rahu and Ketu are unique in the world of kundali matching by name. They both have different
functions and have the power to work positivity and negativity. The most special feature of Rahu
is that it can overcome or overpower the moon and Ketu can do the same to the sun in kundali
milan by name. They are not fully recognized as planets, both Rahu and Ketu act as shadow
planets that can limit other planets. However, all this depends upon their position in kundali
milan by name. If they’re placed in a great position the outcomes of that will be positive and if
they’re placed in a bad position then it will have adverse effects. 

Malefic side to Rahu in kundali milan by name

A badly placed Rahu can mean many different bad things to anyone in kundali milan by name. It
is especially bad if it is in Dasha or maha Dasha, then an individual will have very cruel results.
Rahu has very evil effects as it deals with the loss of any kind, death of a family member, mental
illness, and many more horrific problems. When people have to deal with Rahu in this way they
try everything possible which may be black magic or tantra. The word which is most
synonymous with Rahu is sudden, it is because it happens suddenly.

It can make anyone restless and anxious which can result in nightmares that feel too real. People suffering from it may see things in the nightmare that will come true in reality. Rahu can move people away from their true
friends and get attached to people that are not good for you. These people come with a lot of bad
habits that you will adapt to. Drinking will be a regular thing for you and it will affect your work.
It states that you won’t get a promotion of any kind due to a bad Rahu in kundali milan by name. 

Malefic side to ketu in kundali milan by name

Rahu affects your personal life and it makes you anxious and restless in terms of kundali milan
by name. A badly positioned Ketu can cause a lot of unnecessary physical harm. These physical
problems will not be your fault in any way but they will be a part of you due to Ketu. Some of
these problems start right from childhood and then increase when you reach adulthood. Some of
these issues may be serious problems in any joint, urinary problems, and major health problems
during pregnancy.

A bad Ketu also brings a lot of bad fortune to the family. If you’re a person who has a sharp mind and is hardworking, you won’t be able to perform well in your studies or your career. Something will just get in your way and it will affect your performance in kundali matching by name. Everyone has the desire to achieve peace in life but a bad Ketu will always keep you distracted and disturbed in your life which will result in a chaotic lifestyle.